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Revision as of 14:46, 29 August 2011 by Haku (Talk | contribs)

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Commands I keep forgetting

Update workspace (works for github):

git fetch
git merge origin/master


git push --tags

Reset working copy:

git clean -fd
git checkout .

Rebase pattern

Check out branch we want to (eventually) deliver to. Double check its all up to date.

git checkout desuapp-codefoo
git pull

Create new branch and check out.

git checkout -b task101

( Do actual work, make commits, etc. )

Update local copy of branch we want to deliver to.

git fetch origin

Do the magic rebase thing - rewrite history and send current target branch back in time.

git rebase origin/desuapp-codefoo

Switch to the branch we want to deliver to and get it up to date.

git checkout desuapp-codefoo
git pull

Bring over our work in to the local copy of the delivery target branch.

git rebase comment_broken_links_101026

Send it out into the big wide world with the happy satisfaction of a job well done.

git push


Merg / Rebase
